Headshot of Heather Urquhart

Heather Urquhart - improvisor

About me

I’m a UK based full time improviser and I’ve been making it up as I go along for almost 20 years now. I trained in Physical Theatre & then improvisation at Chicago’s I.O and Annoyance and have continued to train with improv teachers the world over.

I perform regularly with The Maydays, Showstopper! the Improvised Musical, and more as well as coaching people in improvisation and improv skills for life and work. I specialise in musical improvisation. 

I am the winner of the award for best female performer at Brighton Fringe & the Argus Angel Award for artistic excellence and sometimes I do scripts when people ask me nicely...

Due to the current Pandemic all my performances and workshops are currently online unless stated but I’m hopefully booking in person shows etc from Autumn 2021.
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Probably something that I've been thinking about recently, or something fun that I want to share with you.
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Some of the people I've trained with

These are all lovely people I have worked and trained with. Their names are slightly smaller so their heads don't get too big.
Bill Arnett, Jill Bernard, Joe Bill, Jason Chin, Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Armando Diaz, Colleen Doyle, Jet Evelith, Alex Fendrich, Vinny Francois, Brandon Gardner, Jorin Garguilo, Lyndsay Hailey, Nancy Howland Walker, TJ Jagadowski, Shad Kunkle, Matthieu Loos, Adam Meggido, Susan Messing, Mick Napier, Parallelogramophonograph, Jay Rhoderick, Adal Rifai, Marc Rowland, Kevin Scott, Jason Shotts, Brent Skagford, Rebecca Sohn, Rich Sohn, Tim Sniffen, Marshall Stern, Patti Stiles, Farrell Walsh, Lee White.
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